Search Results for: ted prize


Follow JR’s new LA art campaign


The LA Weekly has exclusive access as JR (our 2011 TED Prize winner) and his crew paste up a new exhibit across Los Angeles this week. Called “The Wrinkles of the City,” the show pastes images of older LA residents across massive streetside canvases. From the LA Weekly: “The Wrinkles of the City” involves 20 []

TED Fellows

Congratulations to AOL 25for25 winners, including …


… by an interesting twist, three winners connected to three different TED initiatives: TEDGlobal 2010 Fellow Adital Ela, a sustainable-design star. Watch Adital’s 5-minute talk from the TED Fellows conference >> Abreu Fellow Dantes Rameau, whose work with the El Sistema music program is an outgrowth of José Abreu’s 2009 TED Prize wish >> and []

TED Prize

Google awards $2 million to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)


[youtube=] From the TED Prize blog: Congratulations to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and 2008 TED Prize winner Neil Turok on winning $2 million in funding from Google’s Project 10^100. Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th power) was a call for ideas to divide a $10 million fund into five pieces that would []

Super foods superheroes


Guest piece from TEDster Katy Klassman, via the TED Prize blog: “I wish for your help to create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families tocook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity.” –- Jamie Oliver As I sat in the audience listening to Jamie Oliver make his wish, []

Ann Cooper’s latest tool in the Food Revolution


Food Revolution hero Ann Cooper recently re-launched her new and improved website for The Lunch Box — a collection of scalable recipes, resources and general information to turn any school lunch system into a healthy, balanced diet for kids. One of the most exciting initiatives of this revamp is the Great American Salad Project (GASP) []

Salmon-farming standards open for comment today


Three weeks ago, onstage at TEDGlobal 2010, WWF vice president Jason Clay (above) announced that the world’s salmon aquaculture standards were close to being finalized after six years of effort. This may sound dull and policy-wonky, but if you eat fish, it’s a big deal: Right now, it’s hard to know, when buying salmon and []

TED Prize

Canada gives $20M to expand AIMS across Africa


Today in Ontario, Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada, announced $20 million CDN in federal funding to expand the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) into five new locations across Africa by 2015, including Ethiopia, Ghana and Senegal. AIMS was founded by TED Prize winner Neil Turok, the director of the Perimeter Institute in []

Chevy and Jayni Chase: How you can help the oceans


Aside from being a comedian and legend, Chevy Chase is a longtime activist for the environment. (It helps that he’s married to Jayni Chase, the founder of the Center for Environmental Education.) Together, Chevy and Jayni wrote this editorial for World Oceans Day, based around their experiences on Mission Blue Voyage, the boat trip inspired []


Ocean hope at Mission Blue: A collaboration experiment comes good


How to describe what happened last week? A Galapagos sea-voyage of 100 people (including Sylvia Earle, Leonardo DiCaprio, Edward Norton, Glenn Close, Elizabeth Banks, Steve Case, Ted Waitt, Bill Joy, Jackson Browne, Damien Rice, Chevy Chase, Jean-Michel Cousteau and 30 of the world’s leading marine scientists) turned into an epic event that may have significant []