Search Results for: education


Fellows Friday with Awab Alvi


For years, orthodontist Awab Alvi has been an outspoken political activist via his blog, Teeth Maestro. With the onset of disastrous flooding in his native Pakistan this July, Awab traveled to the front lines, delivering food and supplies to flood victims. Though the after effects of the floods have caused personal family tragedy, Awab’s fierce []


Fellows Friday with Shaffi Mather


Ever since founding the first truly effective ambulance service in India, Shaffi Mather has been hooked on social enterprises. He’s gone on to set up inclusive high-quality schools, support small-scale dairy farming, and is now launching a bribe-fighting business. (Watch his talk from TEDIndia 2009.) Can you give us an overview of each of your []


Fellows Friday with Kellee Santiago


For Kellee Santiago, founder of thatgamecompany, video games are an interactive art form. Inspired by hiking, gazing at clouds, and even stories of religious conversion, her games invoke emotional responses, pushing the boundaries of video games as a communicative media. What was your first experience with video games? Well, I had played games all my []

TED Prize

Google awards $2 million to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)


[youtube=] From the TED Prize blog: Congratulations to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and 2008 TED Prize winner Neil Turok on winning $2 million in funding from Google’s Project 10^100. Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th power) was a call for ideas to divide a $10 million fund into five pieces that would []

Lyrics for “Change the World”: TEDxChange


CHANGE THE WORLD By Bajah + The Dry Eye Crew CHORUS We’ve got a task right now to change the world If we all get on board we can make it work We’ve got the future in our hands So let’s build it with our mind Together we can make it So lets create it []


Tackling the MDGs: A playlist for TEDxChange


This Monday, Sept. 20, TED and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation bring us TEDxChange: a chance to evaluate the UN Millennium Development Goals, the progress that has been made, and the long, yet optimistic road ahead. The Millennium Development Goals include: Eradicating poverty and hunger Achieving universal primary education Promoting gender equality and empowering []


Fellows Friday with Sanjukta Basu


Blogging about her personal life helped Sanjukta Basu find her voice. Despite Indian social mores restricting women’s self expression, Sanjukta has opened up her heart online, empowering others to do the same. Compelled by the transformations social media created in her own life, Sanjukta develops strategies to make the voiceless’ stories heard. After quitting your []


Fellows Friday with Michelle Borkin


Michelle Borkin’s 3-D imaging work uses tools from astronomy to help doctors visualize patients’ hearts. She makes fluid flow visualization pop with 3-D modeling, helping everyone from geophysicists to architects see their data in new ways. You have your fingers in a lot of different pots. What are you up to these days? I’m working []

TEDxChange: Learn more about the Millennium Development Goals


[youtube=] On September 20, live in New York and webcast around the world, TEDxChange will examine the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs. (Watch TEDxDubai’s video, above, for a preview.) Established 10 years ago in September 2000, the eight MDGs are an audacious set of goals for changing the world — with an equally audacious []


Fellows Friday with Sunita Nadhamuni


Water and sanitation are among the most crucial issues facing India today, Sunita Nadhamuni notes in her interview with TED. But while these problems are daunting, Sunita says India’s many innovations in managing water can teach the rest of the world a thing or two. Tell us about your water and sanitation organization. What makes []

7 steps to giving your own TEDTalk, courtesy Fast Company


In the new issue of Fast Company, Anya Kamenetz calls TED “the first new top-prestige education brand in more than 100 years.” As she writes in the story titled “How TED Connects the Idea-Hungry Elite”: “The instant popularity of TED talks might say something … promising about both our collective consciousness and our collective attention []


Body art: Today’s TEDTalks playlist


TED’s on its annual two-week vacation; during the break, we’re posting new playlists from the TEDTalks archive. Today’s playlist is about the human body, with speakers who give new meaning to our inner workings. What do enzymes and chromosomes have to do with art, and how can a stroke project beauty? Watch Pilobolus stretch (literally) []