Tags > Alejandro Aravena

Stories for "Alejandro Aravena"

Sideways solutions and inverted explanations: A recap of session 10 of TEDGlobal 2014

Sideways solutions and inverted explanations: A recap of session 10 of TEDGlobal 2014


The thinkers in this session, “Lateral Action,” don’t go about creating change in the usual ways. Here, their unexpected approaches: Argentinian singer-songwriter Juana Molina opens the session with a hypnotizing performance on the electric guitar and a rack of pedals that layer sounds into gorgeously complex song structures. Singing calmly behind layers of chords, she mixes []

Lateral Action: A sneak peek of session 10 at TEDGlobal 2014

Lateral Action: A sneak peek of session 10 at TEDGlobal 2014


Real solutions can emerge from places surprisingly adjacent to the problems they address. This session examines how progress — from villages to urban spaces, from the artist’s studio to the corporate world — can be found by taking a step to the side. The speakers who’ll appear in this session: Khalida Brohi found an unexpected way to fight []