Tags > Beauty

Stories for "beauty"

Live with your head in the clouds: Gavin Pretor-Pinney at TEDGlobal 2013

Live with your head in the clouds: Gavin Pretor-Pinney at TEDGlobal 2013


Why do clouds get such a bad rap? In English, when someone’s sad or depressed, they’re “under a cloud.” When there’s bad news in store, there’s “a cloud on the horizon.” It’s everyone’s default doom-and-gloom metaphor. But, Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society, has one message for you: Clouds are awesome. Whatever happened []

TED Weekends dissects our collective notion of beauty

TED Weekends dissects our collective notion of beauty


Cameron Russell wants to have a discussion about the way that we, as a society, perceive beauty. Media representations of women, she says, are replete with racist and sexist representations, encouraging women to live up to a standard that is both oppressive and unattainable. Russell’s profession offers an insider’s perspective on the topic – after []

TED Radio Hour asks: What is beauty?

TED Radio Hour asks: What is beauty?


We all know what it feels like to stand in a place that overwhelms our eyes with splendor, to hear a piece of music that seems to pluck the strings of our heart, to behold a face whose shape is pleasing. Beauty: it’s a thing we all know and are drawn to. And yet what is []

6 TED Talks on beauty

6 TED Talks on beauty


[ted id=1647]In today’s bold TED Talk, model Cameron Russell — who has walked runways for Victoria’s Secret and Chanel — mulls over what it means to be beautiful. To her, being beautiful is a matter of chance; she happened to be one of the people in the world born with a set of physical traits []