Tags > Communication

Stories for "communication"

Signs of friendship: A conversation between Christine Sun Kim & Renée Hlozek

Signs of friendship: A conversation between Christine Sun Kim & Renée Hlozek


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVSYsKH2AJA&w=560&h=315%5D Above, Christine Sun Kim and Renée Hlozek share a snippet of conversation using American Sign Language and the Big Words app. Christine has been teaching Renée American Sign Language so they can communicate more directly. Renée Hlozek is a cosmologist from South Africa who studies the cosmic microwave background, radiation left over from the Big Bang. Christine []

How I learned to listen

How I learned to listen


The core of StoryCorps is listening. It’s about honoring another human being by simply listening to them. The joke, of course, is that I’m a terrible listener. I really am — ask anybody. I’m just so easily distracted by my phone or email. I’m terrible. But that’s why StoryCorps is so important. It’s about learning []

Tearjerker Ads Worth Spreading winner earns adoption rights for same-sex couple


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThzdsnXeE28 Expedia’s remarkably moving short film, “Find Your Understanding,” tells the true story of man named Artie Goldstein and his journey to accept his daughter Jill Goldstein’s marriage to another woman, Nikki Weiss. As the world waits for the Supreme Court decision on the Defense Against Marriage Act, millions have viewed this socially-conscious ad online. []

The language of dolphins: Denise Herzing at TED2013

The language of dolphins: Denise Herzing at TED2013


A dolphin’s brain-to-body-weight ratio is second only to a human’s. They live complex social lives, can understand abstract concepts and even use tools. But as Denise Herzing asks in Session 8 of TED2013, “Do they have a language? If so, what are they talking about?” For 28 years, Herzing has been researching dolphins in the wild, spending five []

Coded Meaning: Speakers in Session 8 at TED2013

Coded Meaning: Speakers in Session 8 at TED2013


Communication in 2013 looks so different from what it ever has before. Will technology be the ruin of all that is good and true in language? We don’t think so. The speakers in this session explore how the future will bring even greater shifts in how we communicate — and it may well be for []

5 talks that are all about lying

5 talks that are all about lying


[ted id=1612 width=560 height=315] The average person lies once or twice a day. And as Cornell psychology professor Jeff Hancock shares in today’s fascinating talk, given at TEDxWinnipeg, the anonymity and ambiguity of technology give us a whole new arsenal of ways to fib. He and his team have identified three new types of lies []

6 speaking tips for scientists and engineers

6 speaking tips for scientists and engineers


[ted id=1592 width=560 height=315] Melissa Marshall has a message for scientists and engineers: Contrary to popular belief, the general public is interested in your work and does want to hear the details of your research. The trick is that you must communicate your ideas clearly, because they will start snoring in their seats if you []