Tags > Dan Pallotta

Stories for "Dan Pallotta"

TED Weekends examines capitalism and charity

TED Weekends examines capitalism and charity


Capitalism and charity. A seemingly paradoxical combination. But could running charities like businesses foster the innovation and problem-solving needed to address the most pressing issues of our time? In his talk at TED2013, The way we think about charity is dead wrong, Dan Pallotta argued that the way we think about charity is dead wrong. We []

How to pick the charity that’s right for you

How to pick the charity that’s right for you


In 1994, Dan Pallotta created the AIDS Rides — a series of long-distance fundraising cycling journeys that netted $108 million for HIV/AIDS research and services within the space of eight years. Later, his Breast Cancer 3-Day walks netted $194 million in an even shorter period of time. Both had their best years ever in 2002. []

A new way to judge nonprofits: Dan Pallotta at TED2013

A new way to judge nonprofits: Dan Pallotta at TED2013


Dan Pallotta created two huge charity initiatives — AIDS Rides bicycle journeys and Breast Cancer 3-Day events. These initiatives raised $108 million for HIV/AIDS and $194 million for breast cancer. Both had their best years in 2002 … and then Pallotta’s nonprofit went out of business. In the final session of TED2013, Pallotta shares why []

A Ripple Effect: Speakers in Session 12 of TED2013

A Ripple Effect: Speakers in Session 12 of TED2013


TED2013 has come to an end. Here, the final session — about the doers and givers who never stop spreading their ideas. In session 12, these speakers shared their bold words and even bolder actions. And it all built to a riveting finale. Here, the speakers who appeared in this session. Click on their name []