Tags > Gordon Brown

Stories for "Gordon Brown"

Gordon Brown on global ethic vs. national interest


Can the interests of an individual nation be reconciled with humanity’s greater good? Can a patriotic, nationally elected politician really give people in other countries equal consideration? Following his TEDTalk calling for a global ethic, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown fields questions from TED Curator Chris Anderson. (Recorded at TEDGlobal 2009, July 2009, Oxford, UK. []

Wiring a web for global good: Gordon Brown on TED.com


We’re at a unique moment in history, says UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, speaking earlier today at TEDGlobal in Oxford. He says we can use today’s interconnectedness to develop our shared global ethic — and work together to confront the challenges of poverty, security, climate change and the economy. (Recorded at TEDGlobal 2009, July 2009 []