Tags > Jeremy Kasdin

Stories for "Jeremy Kasdin"

Wireless advances in treating spinal cord damage, morphing wings for aircraft, and the world’s tallest tropical trees

Wireless advances in treating spinal cord damage, morphing wings for aircraft, and the world’s tallest tropical trees


Just a few of the intriguing headlines involving members of the TED community this week: Advances in treating spinal cord damage. In Nature, Grégoire Courtine and a team of scientists announced that they had successfully used a wireless brain-spine interface to help monkeys with spinal cord damage paralyzing one leg regain the ability to walk. []

Wired: The speakers in session 6 of TED2014

Wired: The speakers in session 6 of TED2014


Technology is always a big theme at TED (it’s the “T,” after all), and in this session we draw back the curtain to take a closer look at what’s really going on within some of the world’s most influential companies. But this isn’t just about the current headline-grabbers. Speakers will also share thoughts and demos []