Tags > Julian Treasure

Stories for "Julian Treasure"

10+ tips for designing classrooms, hospitals and offices that are kind on ears, from Julian Treasure

10+ tips for designing classrooms, hospitals and offices that are kind on ears, from Julian Treasure


[ted id=1564] Architects design with their eyes rather than their ears — which means that spaces generally look great and sound terrible. At TEDGlobal 2012 University, sound consultant Julian Treasure warned that — even though we’re rarely conscious of sound — terrible acoustics can have very negative effects on our well-being. “We’re designing environments that []

Sound health in 8 steps: Julian Treasure on TED.com


Julian Treasure says our increasingly noisy world is gnawing away at our mental health — even costing lives. He lays out an 8-step plan to soften this sonic assault (starting with those cheap earbuds) and restore our relationship with sound. (Recorded at TEDGlobal 2010, July 2010 in Oxford, England. Duration: 7:15) [ted id=965] Watch Julian []