Tags > Kate Stone

Stories for "Kate Stone"

Short talks, big energy: Notes from TED Unplugged at TED2018

Short talks, big energy: Notes from TED Unplugged at TED2018


“This is a little different than the mainstage at TED, in a sense that this is a little more relaxed,” says our host, the poet and TED speaker Clint Smith. “These are speakers who have not been selected specifically for the mainstage, but they’re just as talented, just as brilliant, and just as important.” A []

A TED speaker, discovered in a bar

A TED speaker, discovered in a bar


Kate Stone’s journey to the TED stage began, of all places, in a London bar. In 2012, TED Curator Chris Anderson and Content Director Kelly Stoetzel embarked on a worldwide talent search, traveling to 14 cities on six continents. In each city, they hosted live events to find amazing speakers, and 34 of them ended []

How should we talk about transgender issues?

How should we talk about transgender issues?


Geena Rocero did a pretty bold thing at TED2014: She came out. The transgender fashion model chose Vancouver to reveal to the world that she was assigned male at birth. “I am here exposed … to help others live without shame and terror,” she says in today’s talk. The trans community has had a spotlight []

Rock, paper, scissors! These 5 TED Talks play with paper in fresh ways

Rock, paper, scissors! These 5 TED Talks play with paper in fresh ways


Architect Shigeru Ban uses paper tubes to build temporary, ecologically sustainable structures. These geometrically complex structures can be big and impressive — like a concave complex built for Expo 2000 in Germany — or small and functional, like the half-pipe office Ban built for himself atop the Pompadou Center in Paris. No matter their size []

Three important life skills, according to Kate Stone

Three important life skills, according to Kate Stone


Yesterday, Kate Stone charmed the assembled TED audience with her tales of failing exams, living on a sheep farm in Australia, and developing genuinely interactive paper. Today, she shared three simple skills she’s learned along the way–and described why she thinks these are actually critical life skills. 1. Know how to dig a hole. Stone []

Create!: The speakers in Session 6 at TED2013

Create!: The speakers in Session 6 at TED2013


Once you dream, you have to do. The speakers in Session 6 have spent their careers giving form to ideas. They are makers, builders, artists and implementers — all with fascinating ideas about what it means to be a creative person. The speakers who appeared in this session. Click on their name to read a []

5 talks on making electronics fun

5 talks on making electronics fun


“I make paper interactive,” says Kate Stone in today’s talk, given at TED2013. Because this description of her work “really confuses most people,” the best way to understand it is to see it in action. So in this talk, Stone demonstrates some of her very cool creations — like a poster that can pick the []