At TED2019, as we explored concepts, research findings and insights bigger than us (you see what we did there?), these conference shorts cleansed our mental palettes between TED Talks and helped playfully introduce sessions throughout the week. Enjoy these hand-picked videos from curators CC Hutten and Jonathan Wells that capture the kaleidoscopic and often humorous […]
The final session of TED2019 was a spectacle. From powerful calls to civic engagement and ancestorship to stories of self and perseverance, the session wrapped an incredible week and soared through the end with an unforgettable, totally improvised wrap-up. The event: Talks and performances from TED2019, Session 12: Meaning, hosted by TED’s Chris Anderson, Helen […]
The TED2019 theme, Bigger Than Us, promises to be larger than life — big ideas, monumental insights, out-of-this-world discoveries, and more! — so naturally, the session art must deliver that sense of awe too, and does. Colours & Shapes, a Vancouver-based design firm, has created larger-than-life environments for TED since the conference moved to its […]
Session 11 of TED2019 amazed, enriched, inspired and dazzled — diving deep into the creative process, exploring what it’s like to be a living artwork and soaring into deep space. The event: Talks and performances from TED2019, Session 11: Wonder, hosted by TED’s Helen Walters and Kelly Stoetzel When and where: Thursday, April 18, 2019, […]
Sometimes it feels like the world is fraying. Like our long-hold truths turn out, in an instant, to be figments of the imagination. Amid this turmoil, how can we strengthen connection, create more fulfilling lives? Speakers from Session 10 offer a range of provocative answers. The event: Talks from TED2019, Session 10: Connection, hosted by […]
The more we look, the more our digital and analog worlds are blending. What is this future we are entering? In Session 9 of TED2019, we peer into the thrilling, sometimes frightening, often hilarious world of technology. The event: Talks and tech demos from TED2019, Session 9: Play, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson […]
What can we envision, together, to create a world with more joy, love, humanity? At Session 6 of TED2019, we take a deep dive into the world of imagination with some of the authors, designers, architects and filmmakers who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. The event: Talks from TED2019, Session 6: Imagination, hosted […]
To kick off day 3 of TED2019, five speakers explored big shifts: challenging accepted wisdom on love, giving, leadership, truth — and illegal substances. The event: Talks from TED2019, Session 5: Mindshift, hosted by TED’s Chris Anderson and Corey Hajim When and where: Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 8:45am, at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, […]
Session 3 featured a dazzling celebration of intelligence — from the knowledge coded in our DNA (and a new way we could rewrite it) to one of the most astonishing tech demos ever seen at TED. Let’s jump right in. The event: Talks and performances from TED2019, Session 3: Intelligence, hosted by TED’s Chris Anderson. […]
Power drives everything. At Session 2 of TED2019, we explore how different centers of global power are playing out dramatically across the world.
The world feels fragile these days, a bit wobbly. How do we figure out a way forward? At TED2019, we’re taking a painfully honest look at what’s going on, laying out shared values, exploring a common purpose — and seeing how we can build something meaningful together: an idea, vision, ambition that’s bigger than us. […]
The event: TED Salon: Imagine If, curated by Bryn Freedman and Amanda Miller, TED Institute The partner: U.S. Air Force When and where: Thursday, February 21, 2019, at the TED World Theater in New York City Music: Rapper Alia Sharrief, performing her songs “My Girls Rock” and “Girl Like Me” The big idea: Imagination is […]
The event: TED Salon: Education Everywhere, curated by Cloe Shasha, TED’s director of speaker development; Stephanie Lo, director of programs for TED-Ed; and Logan Smalley, director of TED-Ed The partner: Bezos Family Foundation and ENDLESS When and where: Thursday, January 24, 2019, at the TED World Theater in New York City Music: Nora Brown fingerpicking the banjo The […]
The world is more interconnected than ever before — and the need to bridge political and ideological divides has never been more urgent. Now is the time to examine the rules of genuine human engagement, to find common ground for respectful, passionate discourse and to celebrate civility. That’s the idea behind TED Salon: Up for Debate, a […]
What does it mean to belong? For many, belonging provides the foundation of all comfort, a sense of conviction that others have your back, that all will be well. But sometimes belonging can be less tangible, more illusory or fleeting — it can disappear without warning. At TED Salon: Belonging — an evening of talks […]
After three days of astonishing speakers and bold ideas, you may be asking yourself: Where do we go now? The answer: forward. The final session of TEDWomen 2018, hosted by TEDWomen curator Pat Mitchell, featured a dynamic lineup of forward thinkers: Ariana Curtis, Galit Ariel, Majd Mashharawi, Soraya Chemaly, Katharine Hayhoe, Cecile Richards, Kakenya Ntaiya, […]