Tags > Paul Nicklen

Stories for "Paul Nicklen"

A photograph by Paul Nicklen shows the tragedy of extinction, and more news from TED speakers

A photograph by Paul Nicklen shows the tragedy of extinction, and more news from TED speakers

The past few weeks have brimmed over with TED-related news. Here, some highlights: This is what extinction looks like. Photographer Paul Nicklen shocked the world with footage of a starving polar bear that he and members of his conservation group SeaLegacy captured in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. “It rips your heart out of your chest,” []

Paul Nicklen’s new images carry a dire warning about climate change

Paul Nicklen’s new images carry a dire warning about climate change


This post first appeared at BillMoyers.com. In the summer of 2014, one of the world’s top nature photographers was on an expedition in the far north to document the changing Arctic. Paul Nicklen was sailing around Svalbard, an archipelago halfway between Scandinavia and the North Pole. The largely uninhabited land sees 24 hours of sunlight []