Tags > Peter Singer

Stories for "Peter Singer"

Effective altruism: Peter Singer at TED2013

Effective altruism: Peter Singer at TED2013


Moral philosopher Peter Singer starts the last session of TED2013, “A Ripple Effect?” with a shocking video of a 2-year-old girl in China who was hit by a van — and then a second van — and ignored by passers-by as she lay dying in an alley. He asks of the audience: Would you have []

A Ripple Effect: Speakers in Session 12 of TED2013

A Ripple Effect: Speakers in Session 12 of TED2013


TED2013 has come to an end. Here, the final session — about the doers and givers who never stop spreading their ideas. In session 12, these speakers shared their bold words and even bolder actions. And it all built to a riveting finale. Here, the speakers who appeared in this session. Click on their name []

Twitter Snapshot: P.W. Singer on robots of war


Chris Anderson managed to sum up the mood at TED2009, and on Twitter, when he described P.W. Singer’s presentation on robots and war as “a bit frightening.” Here are some of your thoughts, as tweeted in recent minutes: Scary presentation. Democratization of technologies of warfare will be accessible to all, fallacy to think only nation []