Tags > Rebecca Saxe

Stories for "Rebecca Saxe"

TED Weekends investigates why we judge others

TED Weekends investigates why we judge others


Above and slightly behind your right ear, exists a part of your brain many scientists believe is specifically dedicated to thinking about other people’s thoughts – to predicting them, reading them, and empathizing with them. It’s called the temporoparietal junction, and this is the area cognitive neuroscientist Rebecca Saxe focuses on in her research. At TEDGlobal []

How we read each other's minds: Rebecca Saxe on TED.com


Sensing the motives and feelings of others is a natural talent for humans. But how do we do it? Here, Rebecca Saxe shares fascinating lab work that uncovers how the brain thinks about other peoples’ thoughts — and judges their actions. Watch Rebecca Saxe’s talk on TED.com, where you can download this TEDTalk, rate it, []

Rebecca Saxe at TEDGlobal 2009: Running notes from Session 5


Unedited running notes from TEDGlobal 2009. Rebecca Saxe talked about “the problem of other minds.” One of the most complicated things the mind does is try to comprehend what other people are thinking. But the problem she researches is not what you might think — not “why is it so hard to know other minds?” []

Twitter Snapshot: Rebecca Saxe on how the brain invents the mind


In her talk at TEDGlobal, cognitive neuroscientist Rebecca Saxe presented her breakthrough discovery of a particular section of the brain that becomes active when we contemplate the workings of other minds. Here’s what people had to say about this remarkable and “brainy” talk: Crap. Another #TED talk by someone who is half my age and []