Search Results for: ted+prize

To stop XDR-TB, cure TB. To stop TB, cure poverty.


A powerful idea from the unveiling of James Nachtwey’s photos of the XDR-TB epidemic on Friday night in New York City: During the Q&A session with some TB experts and activists, an audience member asked: “We’re talking about XDR-TB, but what about regular TB? What are we doing to cure that?” Dr. Marcos Espinal of []

See the photographs in LA today and this week


All around Los Angeles this week, Phantom Galleries LA has arranged screenings of James Nachtwey’s photographs of the XDR-TB epidemic. Here’s the full schedule, starting with two showings today, October 5, in downtown LA and in Long Beach: Sunday, October 5, 2008: Elevate Film Festival Nokia Theater at LA Live Downtown Los Angeles 2pm-8pm University []

James Nachtwey's wish and video in Portuguese


Marconi Pereira, who blogs in Portuguese at BLOG OM — Orientação Mediúnica, has captioned James Nachtwey’s TEDTalk in Portuguese. This TEDTalk includes the full XDR-TB slideshow, as well as inspiring excerpts from James’ original TED Prize acceptance speech, where he talks about what drives him to make change through photography. Many, many thanks, Marconi! To []

Obama and McCain make statements on TB


Spurred by James Nachtwey’s powerful photographs and, the two major US presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, released statements yesterday detailing their plans for fighting TB. From John McCain’s statement: As President, I will ensure that treatment and prevention programs are funded at levels befitting a wealthy and great nation. I will have []

Bloggers: Help break James Nachtwey's story on Oct. 3


Photographer James Nachtwey will be breaking a big story on October 3 — using his powerful photographs to share a vital story that the world needs to know about. You can be part of the breaking news by adding a badge to your site. Let your readers know that — starting October 3 — these []

To do this weekend: Vote for Architecture for Humanity


Via Treehugger: The Members Project, from American Express, is a contest to support worthy projects from a $2.5 million fund. 2006 TED Prize winner Cameron Sinclair, of Architecture for Humanity, has submitted a project to help build sustainable livelihoods for artisans in Southeast Asia: a locally driven social venture that creates an alliance of textile []

Inspiring stories from students at AIMS


From the TED Prize blog: More AIMS Student Talks: Be inspired by the stories of current and former AIMS students — young Africans whose lives have been changed through access to a top-notch scientific education at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Every two weeks, the TED Prize team uploads three talks from the May []

Celebrating the new AIMS Research Centre in South Africa


2008 TED Prize winner Neil Turok sends these great photos from the new AIMS Research Centre, which is set to open May 12 in Muizenberg, Cape Town, South Africa. AIMS — the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences — promotes math and sciences education throughout Africa. Its goal is, quite simply, to find the next Einstein []

Encyclopedia of Life launches!


E.O. Wilson made this TED Prize wish in 2007: Help me build the key tool that we need to inspire preservation of Earth’s biodiversity: the Encyclopedia of Life. Today, the Encyclopedia of Life website has launched, with the first 30,000 pages, each one describing a single species, with descriptions and photos contributed by scientists and []

Pangea Day: Hear Jehane Noujaim on NPR


Pangea Day — the global film festival, happening May 10, 2008 — comes from a wish made by filmmaker Jehane Noujaim, who won the TED Prize in 2006. Listen to Jehane talk about her vision for the festival, which is taking busily taking shape now. And it’s not too late to submit your film for []

10 May 2008: Pangea Day


When she was awarded the 2006 TED Prize, filmmaker Jehane Noujaim expressed a wish: a global acceptance of diversity, mediated through the power of film. (Watch her speech.) The project is taking off, and its ambition level is spectacular. On May 10, 2008, Pangea Day, sites in New York City, Rio, London, Dharamsala, Cairo, Jerusalem, []

Ed Burtynsky’s beautifully monstrous "Manufactured landscapes"


If you are planning (you should) to go see Jennifer Baichwal’s documentary “Manufactured landscapes“, which opened last week in theaters across the US after spending a year mesmerizing film festivals audiences and will soon arrive in Europe, make sure you get there in time, for nothing describes the scale and essence of today’s globalized industry []

E.O. Wilson on PBS: Why should we care if the woodpecker goes?


The last “Bill Moyers Journal“, the weekly report on PBS, featured a long interview (video – transcript) by Moyers with biologist and TED Prize 2007 winner EO Wilson. The focus was very much on Wilson’s career — “No one in our time has added more to our understanding of Earth’s ecology than Ed Wilson” is []

Ed Burtynsky's Manufactured Landscapes: The Movie


In an extended run at the Film Forum in New York City (and now playing in Philadelphia), the film Manufactured Landscapes is in the spirit of Edward Burtynsky’s 2005 TED Prize wishes: to show the world the size, the devastation, the sheer astonishingness of the industrial landscapes we have created — and to create a []