Contributors > Winona Dimeo-Ediger

Winona Dimeo-Ediger

Stories by Winona Dimeo-Ediger:

9 TED Talks to inspire smart conversation


9 TED Talks to inspire smart conversation


No one really wants to talk about the weather. Inspired by TED Talks, here are some questions to start a better conversation in any situation.    “So, what’s your favorite word?” [ted id=161] Who to ask: The chatty person who’s sharing an outlet with you at the coffee shop The basic idea: Dictionaries don’t compile themselves — []

9 TED Talks guaranteed to give you wanderlust


9 TED Talks guaranteed to give you wanderlust


Ah, wanderlust. Mild symptoms include obsessive airfare tracking and uncontrollable daydreaming about tropical beaches during conference calls. Severe cases can cause reasonable people to cash out their 401(k) to buy a camper van and hit the open road. These 9 TED Talks are guaranteed to ignite your need for travel. As a precautionary measure, we’ve included []