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Stories for "Uncategorized"

TEDWeekends explores shades of deception

TEDWeekends explores shades of deception


Dishonesty. Fibbing. Telling an untruth. Purposeful distortion. Misleading. Gilding the lily. Deception. These are all synonyms for the same thing: lying. In her classic talk from TEDGlobal 2011, “How to Spot a Liar,” Pamela Meyer outlines what she believes to be an epidemic and gives practical tips for how anyone can tell when someone is []

Playlist: 5 Mindshifting talks on happiness


(TED is on its annual two-week vacation. During the break, we’re posting playlists from the TEDTalks archive. We’ll be back with new talks on August 29th.) Happiness seems simple, yet the more we look into it, the more layers and complexities we find. Here are five TEDTalks that will transform how you view happiness, and []

Meet TEDGlobal guest host Pat Mitchell: A short Q&A


We’re welcoming two guest hosts to TEDGlobal 2011 — Pat Mitchell, from the Paley Center for Media, who hosts Session 8, and Matt Ridley, whose 2010 TEDTalk was memorably titled “When Ideas Have Sex,” and who’ll be hosting Session 5. We asked both hosts a few questions about their plans for their session of TED. []

“From one to millions”: Chris Anderson in the Sydney Morning Herald


TED’s curator, Chris Anderson, gave a thoughtful interview via Skype to Tim Dick of the Sydney Morning Herald, just posted today, talking about the growing power of web video. From the story: Anderson thinks web video represents a fundamental shift … the potential of which is unimaginable. ”There is something mysterious, magical and incredibly powerful []

Silk, the ancient material of the future: Fiorenzo Omenetto on


Fiorenzo Omenetto shares 20+ astonishing new uses for silk, one of nature’s most elegant materials — in transmitting light, improving sustainability, adding strength and making medical leaps and bounds. On stage, he shows a few intriguing items made of the versatile stuff. (Recorded at TED2011, March 2011, in Long Beach, CA. Duration: 9:41) [ted id=1142] []

Natural pest control … using bugs!: Shimon Steinberg on


At TEDxTelAviv, Shimon Steinberg looks at the difference between pests and bugs — and makes the case for using good bugs to fight bad bugs, avoiding chemicals in our quest for perfect produce. (Recorded at TEDxTelAviv, April 2010 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Duration: 15:24) [ted id=994] Watch Shimon Steinberg’s talk on where you can []

Project “It Gets Better”


Yesterday, we featured Texan councilman Joel Burns as one of our Best of the Web picks. His courageous talk at the Fort Worth city council is part of a larger project begun in September by columnist Dan Savage and called “It Gets Better.” In reaction to recent teen suicides, Savage and his partner Terry Miller []

New Best of the Web talk: Joel Burns


Joel Burns tells gay teens “it gets better” In a courageous, intensely emotional talk at the city council in Fort Worth, Texas, councilman Joel Burns reaches out to the targets of teen bullying — kids who are gay, perceived as gay, or just different — with a vital message about their lives, and the harassment []

Fellows Friday with Shaffi Mather


Ever since founding the first truly effective ambulance service in India, Shaffi Mather has been hooked on social enterprises. He’s gone on to set up inclusive high-quality schools, support small-scale dairy farming, and is now launching a bribe-fighting business. (Watch his talk from TEDIndia 2009.) Can you give us an overview of each of your []

The art of the eco-mindshift: Natalie Jeremijenko


Natalie Jeremijenko’s unusual lab puts art to work, and addresses environmental woes by combining engineering know-how with public art and a team of volunteers. These real-life experiments include: Walking tadpoles, texting “fish,” planting fire-hydrant gardens and more. (Recorded at Business Innovation Factory 5, October 2009 in Providence, RI. Duration: 19:51) [ted id=980] Watch Natalie Jeremijenko’s []

Introducing the TED iPad App


Today, TED releases the new TED iPad app, an innovative way to browse and watch TEDTalk video. The app redesigns the TED experience for the touchscreen, offering some cool iPad-only features for exploring, saving and watching. The iPad app, which is the first official mobile app released by TED, lets viewers browse our almost 800 []

TED’s iPad App: Q&A with developer Matt Drance


The TED iPad project was inspired by a number of requests coming in from TED fans wishing to see TEDTalks on mobile devices. In the past, the development community has graciously volunteered building various applications on both iPhone and Android platforms. When the iPad came out, we saw an opportunity to try our hand with []

Haiti’s disaster of engineering: Peter Haas on


“Haiti was not a natural disaster,” says TED Fellow Peter Haas: “It was a disaster of engineering.” As the country rebuilds after January’s deadly quake, are bad old building practices creating another ticking time bomb? Haas’s group, AIDG, is helping Haiti’s builders learn modern building and engineering practices, to assemble a strong country brick by []