Search Results for: india

What it’s like to grow old, in different parts of the world


What it’s like to grow old, in different parts of the world


The world’s population is getting older. Across the globe, people are living longer thanks to improvements in healthcare, nutrition and technology. This population shift brings with it incredible possibilities, but also a new set of challenges. How do we care for our elderly? In today’s talk, Jared Diamond examines the vast differences in how societies []

The internet, the perfect tool for the surveillance state? Further reading (and watching) on the state of digital privacy


The internet, the perfect tool for the surveillance state? Further reading (and watching) on the state of digital privacy


“We already knew this.” “It’s necessary for the War on Terror.” “Other countries are doing it too.” “But I have nothing to hide.” These are the most common reasons people express for not feeling outrage over the revelations this year that the United States’ National Security Agency has been involved in widespread surveillance. In today’s []

X Marks the Spot: Underwater wonders on the TEDx blog


X Marks the Spot: Underwater wonders on the TEDx blog


This week, over at the TEDx blog, we got really into oceans and all the fascinating creatures that hang out there. (Especially sea turtles. We’re obsessed.) We explored how baby sea turtles survive the great wide world, how dolphins blow bubble rings for underwater play, and how divers feel swimming with some of the world’s []