Search Results for: ted prize


Blue: Roundup of Session 1 on the Mission Blue Voyage


Yesterday began the Mission Blue Voyage — a first-of-its-kind conference hosted by TED. Marine scientists, deep-sea explorers, tech innovators, policy makers and cultural icons will come aboard the National Geographic Endeavor and sail to the Galapagos Islands. For four days, they’ll brainstorm how to make Sylvia Earle‘s TED Prize wish — to protect and restore []

TED Prize

Help the Abreu Fellows win a grant


The Abreu Fellows are in the running for a $250K grant from Pepsi. You can vote for them once a day … all month. The Abreu Fellows program is a project of Jose Abreu’s 2009 TED Prize wish — to teach children around the world to play music using El Sistema (“the system”), a proven []

The Haiti tragedy: How you can help


Photo: REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz Numerous members of the TED community have sought to find a way to help victims of the Haiti quake. We believe one of the organizations best placed to make an immediate difference is Partners in Health. They have operated medical facilities in Haiti for more than two decades and have numerous people []

TED Prize

Charter for Compassion plaques now available


When Karen Armstrong was given one wish to change the world through the TED Prize, she wished for the creation of a Charter for Compassion. On November 12th, the charter was unveiled to the world, after months of collaborative effort and multi-denominational participation. At launch, over 60 plaques bearing the charter were hung in significant []

TED Prize

The Abreu Fellows finish their first semester


At TED2009, Maestro Jose Abreu revealed his TED Prize wish, asking that a special program be created to train gifted young musicians so that they could recreate the highly successful El Sistema program around the world. Those young musicians, the Abreu Fellows, have just finished the first semester of their program at New England Conservatory, []

TED Prize

Charter for Compassion: Twitter reaction


It’s been 5 hours since the launch of the Charter for Compassion. Some reaction from around the Twittersphere: @vrimj: This is beautiful and made me cry. I have not read something this humane in a while. @Deepak_Chopra Please join me in joining the Charter for #Compassion. Please RT & ask others to affirm @VirginiaMiracle: Karen []

TED Prize

Video: Australians on Compassion


Voices from all cultures and religions are coming together to affirm The Charter for Compassion. Along with the celebrations and events that will be taking place around the globe to mark this momentous occasion, we sought to understand what compassion meant to some inspiring Australians. In order of appearance, they are: Adriano Zumbo, Cathie McGinn, []

TED Prize

More quotes from the Charter for Compassion launch


From religious scholar Karen Anderson, whose 2008 TED Prize wish formed the seed of the Charter for Compassion: “The Golden Rule requires you, in a disciplined way, to discover what gives you pain and refuse to do that to others.” “At a time when religions are seen at loggerheads, the Charter is a cooperative exercise.” []

TED Prize

Charter for Compassion launches!


This morning at 10am, Karen Armstrong unveiled the powerful text of the Charter for Compassion — the culmination of her 2008 TED Prize wish. Read and affirm the text of the Charter for Compassion >> The Charter for Compassion asks that people of all religions and moral codes to recognize the core value we share []

Ask Karen Armstrong anything!


Ask her anything >> Religious thinker Karen Armstrong has written more than 20 books on faith and the major religions, studying what Islam, Judaism and Christianity have in common, and how our faiths shaped world history and drive current events. She argues that compassion is the core, fundamental idea behind the three Abrahamic religions, and []


Watch Gustavo Dudamel live on the Web Oct. 3


From the TED Prize blog: On Oct. 3, Gustavo Dudamel, protege of TED Prize winner Maestro José Abreu and new Music Director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, will kick off his inaugural season with a concert at the Hollywood Bowl. While the event is sold out, you can watch a live HD webcast of the []

Twitter Snapshot: Karen Armstrong and the charter for compassion


Minutes ago, religious scholar Karen Armstrong, winner of a 2008 TED Prize, spoke about her wish, The Charter for Compassion, to the audience at TEDGlobal 2009. The Charter aims to bring the golden rule back into a global focus. Currently, religious leaders of many faiths are working together in crafting this document for peace, which []

Twitter Snapshot: Elaine Morgan believes in aquatic apes


Octogenarian scientist Elaine Morgan became the oldest speaker in TED’s history (at the sprightly age of 90) at TEDGlobal 2009 when she presented her addition to evolutionary science: the theory of aquatic apes. Here’s how the excited crowd on Twitter responded to her vibrant talk: Elaine Morgan talking pure sense at #TED about paradigm shift []