Tags > Anab Jain

Stories for "Anab Jain"

One move ahead: The talks of Session 1 of TED2017

One move ahead: The talks of Session 1 of TED2017

TED2017 begins with a manifesto: “We will not sleepwalk into a future of dread. Instead we will pursue: courage, deep human connection, imagination, thrilling possibility, understanding. The Future You is yet to be written. Let’s write it together.” In a comprehensive opening session — hosted by TED’s Head Curator, Chris Anderson, and streamed live to 800 []

Synthetic bees, prosthetic eyes: Fellows Friday with Anab Jain

Synthetic bees, prosthetic eyes: Fellows Friday with Anab Jain


Anab Jain’s design studio Superflux envisions a future where the blind are given ultraviolet vision and invasive species are engineered to combat the effects of climate change. She shares her perspective on our not-too-distant future. How would you describe the work that you do at your revolutionary design studio Superflux? We are living in extremely uncertain []