Tags > Andrea Ghez

Stories for "Andrea Ghez"

New clues about the most mysterious star in the universe, and more news from TED speakers

New clues about the most mysterious star in the universe, and more news from TED speakers

As usual, the TED community has lots of news to share this week. Below, some highlights. New clues about the most mysterious star in the universe. KIC 8462852 (often called “Tabby’s star,” after the astronomer Tabetha Boyajian, who led the first study of the star) intermittently dims as much as 22% and then brightens again, []

Twitter Snapshot: Andrea Ghez: Spying on supermassive black holes


Astronomer and astrophysicist Andrea Ghez captivated the TEDGlobal 2009 crowd with an up-close look at the style and substance of the peculiar space phenomenon known as a black hole. At UCLA, she’s working on imaging techniques that will bring these mysterious objects into better focus than ever before. Here’s what Twitter had to say: you’ve []

Andrea Ghez at TEDGlobal 2009: Running notes from Session 2


Andrea Ghez is an astronomer and a specialist in black holes. She begins her talk today by asking: How do you observe something you can’t see? It’s a basic question for someone studying black holes. Then, she asks an even more intriguing question: Is there a supermassive one at the center of our gravity? Ghez []