Tags > Meagan Fallone

Stories for "Meagan Fallone"

Humanizing our future: A night of talks from TED and Verizon

Humanizing our future: A night of talks from TED and Verizon

There are moments when the world begins to shift beneath our feet. Sometimes slowly, sometimes dramatically. Now more than ever we are living and working in an era of exponential technological advancement. How we address rapid change, what collaborative relationships we create, how we find our humanity — all this will determine the future we step []

The world takes us exactly where we should be: 4 questions with Meagan Fallone

The world takes us exactly where we should be: 4 questions with Meagan Fallone


Cartier believes in the power of bold ideas to empower local initiatives to have global impact. To celebrate Cartier’s dedication to launching the ideas of female entrepreneurs into concrete change, TED has curated a special session of talks around the theme “Bold Alchemy” for the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards, featuring a selection of favorite TED speakers. []