Topics > How This Talk Came To Be

Stories for "How This Talk Came To Be"

A TED speaker, discovered in a bar

A TED speaker, discovered in a bar


Kate Stone’s journey to the TED stage began, of all places, in a London bar. In 2012, TED Curator Chris Anderson and Content Director Kelly Stoetzel embarked on a worldwide talent search, traveling to 14 cities on six continents. In each city, they hosted live events to find amazing speakers, and 34 of them ended []

How Simon Sinek’s TEDx success made him think deeply about trust

How Simon Sinek’s TEDx success made him think deeply about trust


In 2009, Simon Sinek gave the talk “How great leaders inspire action” to an audience of 50 people in a small room at TEDxPugetSound. It quickly became the second most-watched talk on Sinek, of course, felt honored by the growing popularity of his talk—and by the opportunity to inspire people to think more deeply about []

A powerful talk from Hugh Herr, 7 years in the making

A powerful talk from Hugh Herr, 7 years in the making


“As you can see, my legs are bionic,” said Hugh Herr on the TED2014 stage. “The artificial part of my body is malleable, able to take on any form, any function, a blank slate through which to create structures that can extend beyond biological capability.” Standing tall in a suit hemmed at his knees, Herr []