Now we’ve completely rebuilt the TED Talks Android app to help our global audience search, find and watch talks in their local languages. The rebuilt-from-the-ground-up Android app works natively in 24 languages, so if your phone setting is in native Japanese, you’ll now get the full TED experience with a Japanese interface and more than 2,000 TED Talks subtitled in Japanese — and even multi-language search.
[ted id=2222] Anybody with a smartphone can now be a part of the StoryCorps movement. As TED Prize Winner Dave Isay reveals in today’s talk, you no longer have to travel to a StoryCorps mobile booth to capture an interview with a friend, family member or stranger — because StoryCorps has created a free app. Now, if you can […]
“Tonight, I’m going to make the case that inviting a loved one, a friend or a stranger to record a meaningful interview might just turn out to be one of the most important moments in that person’s life — and in yours,” says Dave Isay of StoryCorps, stepping to the TED stage to accept the 2015 TED Prize in Session […]
At our small, fast-moving nonprofit company, everyone does a couple of jobs — and productivity apps help us manage roles that shift between coding, writing/designing and running a full-scale conference twice a year. We asked the TED staff what apps they can’t live without. And beyond the classics—Instagram, Google Maps, Spotify, Uber, Seamless—we found some […]
Apple’s iOS7 launched this morning, and on it, our new TED app. Below, we asked our in-house product development lead Thaniya Keereepart about the mobile update, asking her to share the team’s vision for taking an experience people loved and making it even more fluid. What makes this iOS7 version of the TED app different? […]
Today, Apple thrilled the tech world by revealing its two new iPhones, one a candy-colored, lower-priced model. And we were very excited to see our new TED iOS7 app featured in the presentation, toward the middle of the grid above. More on that soon. In Sunday’s New York Times, Pico Iyer (watch his TED Talk) searches […]
Thanks to your feedback and suggestions, we’ve made a few tweaks in our latest iOS app (Version 2.1.1) that will help you view videos more easily, share them more widely and just generally be in the know about the latest talks. +You can control your download setting and video quality We know you’re always on […]
It may not be glamorous, but it’s true – each year, urinary tract infections lead to more than 9 million doctor visits in the United States alone. But the infection can now be tested for through an iPhone app — uChek — developed by TEDFellow Myshkin Ingawale. This app could also be an effective tool […]