Tags > Casey Gerald

Stories for "Casey Gerald"

Belonging: Talks on family, love and loss from the TED World Theater

Belonging: Talks on family, love and loss from the TED World Theater

What does it mean to belong? For many, belonging provides the foundation of all comfort, a sense of conviction that others have your back, that all will be well. But sometimes belonging can be less tangible, more illusory or fleeting — it can disappear without warning. At TED Salon: Belonging — an evening of talks []

There will be no miracles here: Casey Gerald at TED2016

There will be no miracles here: Casey Gerald at TED2016


Casey Gerald’s story begins in an East Texas church on the night of December 31, 1999, as he joined his congregation to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world. Gerald had turned 12 that year, and he went to church as often as he could, making sure that the Lord []