Photosynth on Multitouch, uploaded by TED Conference. On CNN’s Inauguration Day coverage today: a massive Photosynth of the precise moment that President Barack Obama took the oath of office. In the image above, an anchor sifts through individual images on a Multitouch screen. We’re proud because both these technologies — Photosynth and the Multitouch screen […]
Fans of Jeff Han‘s touchscreen will enjoy this demo of ILoveSketch, highly intuitive new software that enables designers to create fluid 3D sketches through a gesture-driven interface: ILoveSketch from Seok-Hyung Bae on Vimeo. Via Kevin Kelly at The Technium.
CNN has a story today on the Magic Wall they’ve been using in their coverage of the US elections. The wall was built by TEDTalks star Jeff Han and his company Perceptive Pixel. From the story: Throughout the 2008 primaries and the general election, John King, CNN’s Chief National Correspondent, has stood before the now-familiar […]
With 50 million views since we debuted online two years ago, TED talks have become a powerful cultural force. To celebrate this milestone, we’re releasing a never-before-seen list: the Top 10 TED talks of all time, as of June 2008. With speakers like neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor and global health expert Hans Rosling, the list […]
Among the many TEDTalks stars on this year’s Time 100 list, Jill Bolte Taylor gets perhaps the coolest biographer: Dick Clark. He writes: Through her writings and lectures, she has done perhaps more than anyone else to explain, both to the healthy and the stricken, what a stroke is. Read the whole list >>
It its newest issue, Newsweek publishes a detailed story on Microsoft’s Seadragon technology and the man behind it, Blaise Aguera y Arcas (who premiered it at TED07 last March, watch his speech), and discusses what it calls the "zoom interface": The Internet, it seems, doesn’t take advantage of how humans best process information. Evolution granted […]
Some familiar TED faces and themes turn up in Popular Mechanics‘ 2007 Breakthrough Awards, published in the magazine’s November issue. Jeff Han‘s multitouch wall (watch his 2006 TEDTalk) and Hod Lipson‘s print-anything printer (related to his work on robots) are named as two of the awards’ “8 Bold Ideas” for 2007. If you were moved […]
Updates from TED speakers: After a whirlwind of media speculation over the weekend following a story by The Guardian, biologist Craig Venter (watch his TED2005 speech) will announce today at the annual meeting of his institute in San Diego that his team has built a synthetic chromosome, using lab chemicals. “A giant leap forward in […]
I had my mind blown in a thousand different directions by TED2007 today. My big impression was having felt the future, in myriad ways. From hallway conversations to the content of speaker presentations to the feeling of just being a part of it all, it was a fabulous first day. My assignment, as handed down […]
Quotes of the day: Cassini imaging team head Carolyn Porco: "So there are possibly liquid water, organic materials and excessive heat on Saturn and its moons. Which means that Saturn could be a place were life is possible. If we can demonstrate that Genesis has happened not once (Earth) but twice (Saturn) then we can […]
Jeff Han is a research scientist for New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences . Here, he demonstrates, for the first time publicly, his intuitive, “interface-free,” touch-driven computer screen, which can be manipulated intuitively with the fingertips, and responds to varying levels of pressure. (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 09:32) Get […]