Contributors > Emilie Soffe

Emilie Soffe

Stories by Emilie Soffe:

The mystery of left-handedness: Why two right-handers created a TED-Ed lesson for southpaws

Inside the Animator's Studio

The mystery of left-handedness: Why two right-handers created a TED-Ed lesson for southpaws


About one-tenth of the world’s population is left-handed — and archaeological evidence suggests that it’s been this way for the last 500,000 years. But why do a small percentage of people carry this trait, and what does it mean about them that they do? These were the questions that inspired educator Danny Abrams and animator Lisa LaBracio []

A fractal film noir uses a dark narrative to help teach math

Inside the Animator's Studio

A fractal film noir uses a dark narrative to help teach math


The TED-Ed Lesson “The case of the missing fractals” isn’t just an introduction to the intricate and beautiful world of fractal geometry; it’s also a fully-realized film noir short complete with plot, drama and a smattering of ridiculous puns. This cinematic creation is the product of a TED-Ed dream team, with writing by veteran TED-Ed Educators George Zaidan and []

The math behind the movies: An interview with Tony DeRose of Pixar


The math behind the movies: An interview with Tony DeRose of Pixar


Pixar films are known for their thoughtful storytelling and groundbreaking animation. One of the coolest things about these movies: the math that Pixar’s team is actually inventing to improve the audience experience and the look of the characters. We caught up with Pixar’s Research Lead, Tony DeRose—who gave the TED-Ed Lesson, “The math behind the movies,” about how arithmetic, trigonometry []

TED-Ed Clubs: What people are saying in the Twitterverse


TED-Ed Clubs: What people are saying in the Twitterverse


In the nearly two weeks since the launch of TED-Ed Clubs, almost 700 educators in 50+ countries have completed applications in the hopes of bringing the program into their classrooms. Meanwhile, TED-Ed’s Twitter feed saw a flurry of excitement as educators and students took to their keyboards to share their thoughts. Here, a look at what []