Search Results for: ted+prize


An Evening with Architecture for Humanity


<!––>TEDPrize winner, Cameron Sinclair, and Architecture for Humanity co-founder, Kate Stohr, will be in NYC next week for the celebration of the launch of their book – Design Like You Give a Damn. They’re being interviewed by John Hockenberry at the New York Public Library on September 20th. A similar event is being planned for []


Pit-stop for doctors


One of the "Ten Faces of Innovation" described in Tom Kelley’s recent book is that of the cross-pollinator, who "can create something new and better through an unexpected juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts". Tom is the general manager of TEDPrize supporter IDEO. During a recent talk he mentioned as an example of cross-pollination []

Bono buys a stake in Forbes


Elevation Partners, a private-equity group of which U2 singer, make-poverty-history activist and TEDprize winner Bono is one of the 6 partners, has bought a "significant minority stake" (rumored to be of more than 40 percent, and worth US$ 250 to 300 million) in Forbes Media, which includes Forbes magazine and Today’s International Herald Tribune []


Larry Brilliant on not being evil at Google


From Wired‘s July issue: A charming Q + A with 2006 TEDPrize winner Larry Brilliant, recently appointed Director of the $1B Google Foundation. Along with solving some of the world’s biggest problems, Brilliant cites another ambitious goal: changing the famous Google mantra ‘Don’t be evil’ to "Do something really, really, really good."


Aubrey De Grey: scientist or dreamer?


Could someone with the proper scientific credentials please stand up and tell us whether Aubrey de Grey’s claim that we can defeat aging has any credibility? That’s the challenge put forth by the MIT Technology Review last summer – and a few people did stand up. The dispute is not resolved yet, but the controversy []


Ads we love: Honda "Choir" and "Impossible Dream"


At TED2006, we devoted an unusual amount of our “interstitial” time to a single advertiser, showing three different ads from Honda, all brilliant in their own way. Mind you, Honda has no affiliation with TED. We just like their ads. And we’re not the only ones. Two of the Honda spots — Choir and Impossible []

Bono becomes newspaper editor for a day


The cover of today’s UK Independent is pure genius. They made TED Prize winner Bono guest editor for the day. His front page lead headline reads:"No news today." with a footnote that clarifies: "Just 6,500 Africans died today as a result of a preventable, treatable disease." The novice editor appears to have had access to []

Design Like You Give a Damn


TED Prize winner Cameron Sinclair has a new book coming out – an encyclopedia of sorts that showcases global projects in which design improves living standards – and the Observer has the story. The article has a great summary of how Architecture for Humanity came to be and an idea of where it’s going. For []


Photos from An Inconvenient Truth Screening


TEDsters spotted at the An Inconvenient Truth Screening: (from left to right Truth Producer Lawrence Bender, V.C. Vinod Kholsa, now investing in alternative energy, and the lovely Gwen Campbell; TED Curator Chris Anderson; TEDPrize 2006 winner Cameron Sinclair; former American India Foundation exec Lakshmi Pratury, who is starting a new conference about the best of []


Pangea Cinema: A wish in progress


When Jehane made her TED Prize wish to bring the world together for one day a year through the power of film, we decided the only way to do it was to really do it, in a big, noticeable way. We partnered with Steve Apkon of the Jacob Burns Film Center, America’s most successful non-profit []


Making global mentoring a reality


Last October, Chris put a challenge to the TED community, pledging $1000 to the person who created the most eye-popping proposition on Pledgebank. Lucy Hooberman took that prize with her global mentoring project, a plan to match professionals in the developed and developing worlds, which was originally hatched at TED2005. A BBC new media executive []


Burt Rutan: "Space Needs You"


At TED2006, legendary spacecraft designer Burt Rutan came out swinging. “Houston, we have a problem,” he declared, and went on to lambast the government-funded space program for failing to inspire the next generation. NASA has stalled, he says, especially when it comes to manned flights. And the solution is privately funded spacecraft development (the kind []

Gossip: The new meme


“When did we start calling gossip ‘memes’?” TEDPrize director Amy Novogratz asked today, as we discussed our favorite rumor — I mean “meme” — from TED2006: It seems, many people (including some media outlets) mistakenly believed that David Bowie had joined us in Monterey. He’d be welcome, of course, but he wasn’t there. (Nor was []

Day Two | The day in quotes


“One of the tragic aspects of human-right abuses is that they’re too easily forgotten or denied; but it appears that if there are cameras around, they tend to happen less.” —Peter Gabriel [Session write up | Photo] “If newts can regenerate a lost limb, why can’t we?” —Dr. Alan Russell explaining advances in regenerative medicine. []

Stunning Edward Burtynsky images


Last year one of our TED Prize winners Ed Burtynsky made a powerful wish at TED. He wanted to find a way of using his photography to make people think harder about our planet’s future. Well, this is one way to do just that. (Go to the page, take a deep breath, and run the []