El 26 de abril tuvo lugar el primer evento de oradores de TED en Español, presentado por TED en su oficina de Nueva York. El evento, completamente en español, contó con ocho oradores, una presentación musical, cinco cortometrajes y 13 charlas de un minuto dadas por miembros de la audiencia. El evento en Nueva York […]
Thursday marked the first-ever TED en Español speaker event hosted by TED in its New York City office. The all-Spanish daytime event featured eight speakers, a musical performance, five short films and fifteen one-minute talks given by members of the audience. The New York event is just the latest addition to TED’s sweeping new Spanish-language […]
During the week of TED, it’s tempting to feel like a brain in a jar — to think on a highly abstracted, intellectual, hypertechnical level about every single human issue. But the speakers in this session remind us that we’re still just made of meat. And that our carbon-based life forms aren’t problems to be […]