Tags > Karen Armstrong

Stories for "Karen Armstrong"

Djimon Hounsou reads the Charter for Compassion


[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BADZ62u5xI] With a little help from Dave Stewart, actor Djimon Hounsou reads the stirring words of the Charter for Compassion. As it plays, onscreen, visit some of the places around the world — synagogues, mosques, churches, ashrams, even a prison — where the Charter for Compassion is hung and its words are lived.

Peter Storey: "The World’s Cup runneth over with compassion"


In the Washington Post today, Peter Storey, one of the architects of the Charter for Compassion, shares his thoughts on the eve of the World Cup in his home of South Africa. Just last month, a plaque of the Charter, which was inspired by Karen Armstrong’s 2008 TED Prize wish, was installed by Archbishop Desmond []

Charter for Compassion plaques now available


When Karen Armstrong was given one wish to change the world through the TED Prize, she wished for the creation of a Charter for Compassion. On November 12th, the charter was unveiled to the world, after months of collaborative effort and multi-denominational participation. At launch, over 60 plaques bearing the charter were hung in significant []

TED and Reddit interview Karen Armstrong


With the launch of the Charter for Compassion, it’s the TED Blog’s pleasure to unveil Karen Armstrong‘s responses to the top 10 questions asked and voted on by the TED and Reddit community. (See all the questions users asked.) She covers the nature of compassion, the history of the conflict in the Middle East, and []

Powerful quotes from the Charter for Compassion launch


Pulled from Twitter coverage of the live Charter event: “Compassion is a dangerous dream beacause it rocks the foundations of old interests and gives us new ground to stand on.” Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell “In this room, we have words that make a difference between death and life. Words can bring life and words []

Charter for Compassion launches!


This morning at 10am, Karen Armstrong unveiled the powerful text of the Charter for Compassion — the culmination of her 2008 TED Prize wish. Read and affirm the text of the Charter for Compassion >> The Charter for Compassion asks that people of all religions and moral codes to recognize the core value we share []

Countdown to the Charter for Compassion on TED.com


In February 2008, Karen Armstrong won the TED Prize and made her wish — to create a Charter for Compassion, a document about the core shared value of every world religion and moral code, the Golden Rule. This document will be released to the world on November 12, the result of months of collaborative work []

Ask Karen Armstrong anything!


Ask her anything >> Religious thinker Karen Armstrong has written more than 20 books on faith and the major religions, studying what Islam, Judaism and Christianity have in common, and how our faiths shaped world history and drive current events. She argues that compassion is the core, fundamental idea behind the three Abrahamic religions, and []

Let’s revive the Golden Rule: Karen Armstrong on TED.com


Weeks from the Charter for Compassion launch, Karen Armstrong looks at religion’s role in the 21st century: Will its dogmas divide us? Or will it unite us for common good? She reviews the catalysts that can drive the world’s faiths to rediscover the Golden Rule. (Recorded at TEDGlobal, July 2009, Oxford, UK.Duration: 09:55) Twitter URL: []

Twitter Snapshot: Karen Armstrong and the charter for compassion


Minutes ago, religious scholar Karen Armstrong, winner of a 2008 TED Prize, spoke about her wish, The Charter for Compassion, to the audience at TEDGlobal 2009. The Charter aims to bring the golden rule back into a global focus. Currently, religious leaders of many faiths are working together in crafting this document for peace, which []