Search Results for: the environment

The economy in 20 short films, what was on that NASA rocket and the Oscars for wildlife photographers

In Brief

The economy in 20 short films, what was on that NASA rocket and the Oscars for wildlife photographers


The past week brought lots of excitement for members of the TED community. Below, some highlights. Morgan Spurlock’s latest project, “We the Economy,” has a tagline that really explains it best. Billed as “20 short films you can’t afford to miss,” this online series brings together filmmakers and economists to answer big questions about the []

TEDGlobal: The Forest

Live from TEDGlobal

TEDGlobal: The Forest


We built a theater for TEDGlobal 2014 and, after the event closes, it will be taken down. And as Chris Anderson admitted at the end of session 9, this has many of us concerned about the environmental impact of this conference. A chance encounter with Tasso Azevedo, the speaker who shared how deforestation in Brazil rolled back 75% in []

Data becomes art in Julie Freeman’s “We Need Us”


Data becomes art in Julie Freeman’s “We Need Us”


. Artist Julie Freeman creates kinetic sculptures, compositions and animations from nature-generated data. Think: the motion of fish swimming, or the quiver of moths’ wings. This week, Freeman revealed a new piece of work from the TED Fellows stage. Called “We Need Us,” it’s an online, data-driven artwork that explores the nature of metadata. It’s now []

Invasion of the golden mussel: A TED Fellow wields genes to protect the Amazon

Fellows Friday

Invasion of the golden mussel: A TED Fellow wields genes to protect the Amazon


Back in the ’90s, the golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) hitched a ride on ships traveling from Asia to South America. In the past decade and a half, the mussel has proliferated through South America’s river systems, destroying the native habitat and disrupting the operation of power plants and water treatment facilities. This invasive species now threatens the delicate []

TEDGlobal 2014: The full lineup revealed


TEDGlobal 2014: The full lineup revealed


TEDGlobal 2014 is themed “South!,” and it will be the first official TED conference held in South America. Focusing on themes emerging around the world, this conference will take a bold look at the ideas flowing from the Global South, discussing innovation as well as social and political issues, art as well as education, resources []

A filmmaker dives into Sylvia Earle’s underwater world in the doc Mission Blue


A filmmaker dives into Sylvia Earle’s underwater world in the doc Mission Blue


Fisher Stevens produced The Cove, the 2009 Oscar-winning documentary about dubious Japanese dolphin-hunting practices, and his latest film takes him back into familiar waters. Stevens co-directed the newly-released doc Mission Blue, spending the last four years trekking around the world—from the Galapagos Islands to the Chesapeake Bay to the Great Barrier Reef—with unstoppable oceanographer Sylvia []

7 fascinating things I learned at the TEDSalon Berlin


7 fascinating things I learned at the TEDSalon Berlin


Yesterday, nearly every seat of the theatre at the Admiralspalast was filled for the TEDBerlin Salon, the first official TED event in Germany (and, with TEDGlobal’s move to Rio in October, the only one taking place in Europe this year). In two sessions hosted by Bruno Giussani, 15 speakers and performers covered an eclectic array of topics, whizzing from tech-driven social []

A fractal film noir uses a dark narrative to help teach math

Inside the Animator's Studio

A fractal film noir uses a dark narrative to help teach math


The TED-Ed Lesson “The case of the missing fractals” isn’t just an introduction to the intricate and beautiful world of fractal geometry; it’s also a fully-realized film noir short complete with plot, drama and a smattering of ridiculous puns. This cinematic creation is the product of a TED-Ed dream team, with writing by veteran TED-Ed Educators George Zaidan and []

Freebird: Juliana Machado Ferreira leads the charge against Brazil’s illegal wildlife trade

Fellows Friday

Freebird: Juliana Machado Ferreira leads the charge against Brazil’s illegal wildlife trade


Conservation biologist Juliana Machado Ferreira uses genetic data to fight illegal wildlife trafficking in Brazil—a $2 billion-a-year business that affects 38 million animals. In 2012, Ferreira founded FREELAND Brasil to raise awareness of the devastating effects of keeping wild-caught songbirds, parrots and macaws—as well as to release rehabilitated animals and support rural communities vulnerable to wildlife traffickers. This []

The man who plants trees: Shubhendu Sharma is reforesting the world, one patch at a time

Fellows Friday

The man who plants trees: Shubhendu Sharma is reforesting the world, one patch at a time


A forest planted by humans, then left to nature’s own devices, typically takes at least 100 years to mature. But what if we could make the process happen ten times faster? With his company Afforestt, eco-entrepreneur Shubhendu Sharma is creating mini-forest ecosystems using an accelerated method. It’s based on the practices of Japanese forester Akira Miyawaki, []