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Getting started: Notes from Session 2 of TEDWomen 2018

Live from TEDWomen

Getting started: Notes from Session 2 of TEDWomen 2018

In an early morning session hosted by podcaster and TED2017 speaker Manoush Zomorodi, six speakers — Lucy Cooke, Ayanna Howard, Nivruti Rai, Monique W. Morris, Karissa Sanbonmatsu and Amanda Williams — brought us insights from the worlds of AI, robotics, epigenetics, education, and the wonderfully slow world of the sloth. Sustainability lessons from the sloth. Sloths []

Showing up: Notes from Session 1 of TEDWomen 2018

Live from TEDWomen

Showing up: Notes from Session 1 of TEDWomen 2018

Women the world over are no longer accepting the status quo. They’re showing up and pushing boundaries. Whatever their focus and talent — business, technology, art, science, politics — pioneers and their allies are joining forces in an explosion of discovery and ingenuity to drive real, meaningful change. At TEDWomen 2018 — three days of []

Unconventional ideas: A night of talks from TED and the Brightline Initiative

TED Salon

Unconventional ideas: A night of talks from TED and the Brightline Initiative

Today’s volatile world demands that we do things differently — that we pay attention to things most people don’t see. At TED Salon: Unconventional, presented by TED and the Brightline Initiative and hosted by TED’s Cloe Shasha and Alex Moura, six leaders and visionaries shared novel ideas that are driving the world’s most impactful organizations. The []

Reboot: The talks of TED@BCG


Reboot: The talks of TED@BCG

How do we manage the transformations that are radically altering our lives — all while making a positive impact on our well-being, productivity and the world? In a word: reboot. For a seventh year, BCG has partnered with TED to bring experts in leadership, psychology, technology, sustainability and more to the stage to share ideas []

Preview our new podcast: The TED Interview


Preview our new podcast: The TED Interview


TED is launching a new way for curious audiences to immerse themselves more deeply in some of the most compelling ideas on our platform: The TED Interview, a long-form TED original podcast series. Beginning October 16, weekly episodes of The TED Interview will feature head of TED Chris Anderson deep in conversation with TED speakers about the ideas they shared in their []

Ideas from the intersections: A night of talks from TED and Brightline


Ideas from the intersections: A night of talks from TED and Brightline

At the intersections where we meet and collaborate, we can pool our collective wisdom to seek solutions to the world’s greatest problems. But true change begs for more than incremental steps and passive reactions — we need to galvanize transformation to create our collective future. To celebrate the effort of bold thinkers building a better []

Playlist: 10 TEDWomen talks for Earth Day


Playlist: 10 TEDWomen talks for Earth Day


Earlier this week, I had the privilege and honor to plant trees with the daughter and granddaughter of environmentalist Wangari Maathai. In recognition of her life’s work promoting “sustainable development, democracy and peace,” Maathai received the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. She was a lifelong activist who founded the Green Belt Movement in 1977. At that []