Tags > Politics

Stories for "politics"

Thinking differently about the election at TEDNYC: The Election Edition

Thinking differently about the election at TEDNYC: The Election Edition

The conversation around the upcoming US presidential election is full of frenzy, headache and noise. But elections are about more than divisiveness and disagreement — they’re civic events worthy of celebration, and, while it may seem unbelievable at the moment, they hold the promise of transforming governments for the better. At TEDNYC: The Election Edition, six speakers who think about []

Drew Curtis of Fark.com is running for governor of Kentucky. How a TED Talk inspired his campaign—and why he hopes it’ll inspire you too

Drew Curtis of Fark.com is running for governor of Kentucky. How a TED Talk inspired his campaign—and why he hopes it’ll inspire you too


Drew Curtis is not a politician. The curator of Fark.com, the legendary online community of news jokes and funny Photoshops, he proudly proclaims this fact on homepage of his latest website. This declaration is only surprising because, just a few inches above, the intention of the website is revealed: “Drew Curtis for Governor.” See, politics []

Sally Kohn talks leaving Fox News

Sally Kohn talks leaving Fox News


In today’s talk, pundit Sally Kohn shares what it’s like to be progressive, gay and … working for Fox News. The key: emotional correctness, when people look past their political differences and try to understand what the other is thinking on a human level. It’s a vision so powerful that her hometown of Allentown, Pennsylvania, []

Andrew Mwenda on progress in Africa

Andrew Mwenda on progress in Africa


In 2007, journalist Andrew Mwenda took the stage at TEDGlobal in Arusha, Tanzania, and decried the symptomatic disease affecting his home continent: aid. The surprising take certainly got the goat of some members of the audience, including U2 frontman Bono, who has devoted so much time to promoting the need for African aid and who []

8 talks about China

8 talks about China


“When I was growing up, I was told a story that explained all I ever needed to know about humanity. It went like this,” says Eric X. Li in today’s provocative talk, given at TEDGlobal 2013. “All human societies develop in a linear progression, beginning with primitive society, than slave society, than feudalism, capitalism, socialism []